Dorm Representatives

Do you want to be a part of I4RH? Well, here is your chance!

We are looking for dorm representatives to hand out condoms and other reproductive health material to their dorm community. Please fill out the form below! All material is provided through I4RH and your information below stays within the I4RH board.

All dorms are able to apply as we would love multiple representatives but we are in desperate need of representatives from the following dorms:

Carroll Hall, Stanford, Alumni, Baumer, Carroll, Duncan, Knott, O’Neill, Sorin, St. Edward’s, Badin, Flaherty, and Lewis.


Each representative will be provided a plethora of condoms and informational pamphlets. Your responsibility is to hand out the condoms and information to those in need. We currently have a request system on our social media as well as our website. When an individual from your dorm community requests products, we will forward you the contact information and it is your responsibility to ensure they get what they need.

What you can and can not do

This part is a little tricky as rules tend to bend depending on which dorm you are a part of. A borderline rule is you are not allowed to have a bowl of condoms outside your door. However, in the past, people have pinned a folder to their door with condoms with a sticker on it.